Saturday 30 March 2013

Easter Holidays !

Now it is the Easter holidays in our school we have 2 weeks off.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Monday 18 March 2013


Have you heard of twitter ?Are you on it? Then request me I am @bojangw or william bojang . Here is a link to twitter.

Thursday 14 March 2013

gangnam style

Here is gangnam style and some parodys of it.

Nya Nya style is my favorite.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Me and my friend.

Hello this is a couple of pictures of me and my friend Callum and I am called Will.




Hi I have an Xbox with Xbox live , if you do request me . DatedPanther 22 is my name.

World math day is over

Unfortunally world math day is over...look at this photo to see how sad people are.

Do the Harlem shake

Have you heard of the Harlem shake.No well watch this.


Thursday 7 March 2013

World book day

Today it is world book day and our school celebrated it,in my class we had to go as a character what Roald Dahl created so I went as Willy Wonka here is a clip about world book day.


Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day at school.

My day at school has been brilliant first we played some math games , then we went in to the computer suite on a website called world education games and then I played on sumdog. Can you guess what special day it is ?

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Math, math and math

Tomorrow it is world math day and our school are using a math website , I know I am buzzing are you!

A new sumdog compotition.

There is a new sumdog competition WOO HOO.Here is a link to sumdog.

Games I like

Well to start the console I play these on is an Xbox 360 ,my favorite game= Call of duty.